2020 roundup

As 2020 comes to an end and the pandemic continues worldwide we still have much to be grateful for. Adoptions have continued, with our dogs being adopted here in Spain, Finland, Denmark and UK. We await the impact of Brexit on adoptions to UK in 2021 and will update the website and facebook with the facts asap. Our ability to hold fundraisers continued to be affected by restrictions including travel. However we have managed to hold a quiz night and a Christmas Fayre with both events raising very welcome funds that enabled more dogs to be vaccinated and receive veterinary care. The monthly meat raffle, online shop and online fundraisers have also provided a steady income. We are indebted though to our family, friends and many supporters for their financial, practical and emotional support that has kept us going over the last few testing months in particular. Support from not just within the UK and Spain but other European countries too, has been amazing and our circle of support has greatly increased. We are also very grateful to our special foster families who have provided love and care for many of our dogs. Finally to all our adopters, thank you for giving our rescue dogs a home. We always say, our dogs don’t just have good homes, they all have WONDERFUL homes. Wishing you all a very happy, healthy and peaceful New Year.

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