Convid-19 Corona virus March 2020

Due to the lockdown we are unable to finalise any fosters or adoptions until further notice. We are happy though to answer any questions you may have about any of the dogs in our care and send you photos and videos. Normal service will be resumed as soon as the lockdown ceases.

Sadly this also means we are unable to hold and fundraising events either. Our monthly meat raffle is the only fundraiser we can continue but we are actively looking at other online opportunities to raise funds for the dogs.

Thank you all for your continuing support.

MONTHLY MEAT HAMPER RAFFLE 2024 sponsored by Stephen Reed

Each month we hold a raffle for a €50 meat hamper, vegetarian or cash option now also available. We are also now gifting 2 free tickets for the next draw to the runner-up!
Tickets are €2 each and we only sell a maximum of 100 tickets. Buy as many or as few as you want. See the poster for more information. Payment can be made direct into our paypal account, bank account or given to Carl. We now also offer the winner the choice of receiving the €50 instead of the hamper.
There is a Messenger group you can join and we will publish details of the winning ticket on 14th each month when it is drawn. If you win and are in UK we can arrange for you to receive the hamper when you are back in Spain.

April Draw
The lucky winner was Brenda
Could it be you in May?
May Draw
The lucky winner was Peter
June Draw
The lucky winner was Rebecca
Could it be you in July?

March 2020

Well, the last few months have certainly been challenging! Convid-19 Coronavirus has had a huge impact on us. No dog movement is possible unless to the vets for essential treatment/vaccinations, so no new adoptions are possible at the moment. We have had to cancel all our fundraising events until further notice and this has huge implications for our financial well being. We are looking at all other ways to fundraise but Lockdown here in Spain makes this extremely difficult. Our pointer pups are now 7 months old and we need to find funding for their castrations and spaying. As our latest puppies grow both in size and confidence it has been necessary to make urgent repairs to the exterior fencing to keep them safe. Labour is free but materials are not! Still, have never refused a challenge!

On the plus side, all our dogs in our care are fully vaccinated, healthy and ready to travel. Bonita now has a lovely forever home here in Spain and our wonderful family and good friends/supporters continue to help and support in every way they can.  

Frank the collie dog in foster is responding to treatment but it is a slow process and again comes at a cost. However, the end result makes this all worthwhile! Tilly, another beautiful girl in foster is gaining in confidence and we hope to find her a wonderful home very soon. The building site pups are growing and although homes have been found for 3 the others are still waiting. Mum will be spayed asap.

Richard (brother to Runa and Abril) is now going for walks on a lead and we are absolutely delighted. Big thank you to Jennah for persevering. We will now try to persuade his sisters that they too can do this!

We have much to be grateful for including the generosity of family and friends, be it donations of food, bedding, money etc and much needed moral support. Thank you all.